Iyad Kanj
What makes normalized weighted satisfiability tractable
VCLA hosted a talk by Iyad Kanj on June 22nd, 2012.
DATE: | Monday, June 25, 2012 |
TIME: | 11:00 c.t. |
VENUE: | Seminarroom Goedel (Favoritenstrasse 9-11, ground floor, access through courtyard) |

We consider the weighted antimonotone and the weighted monotone satisfiability problems on normalized circuits of depth at most t >= 2, abbreviated wsat^-[t] and wsat$^+[t], respectively. These problems model the weighted satisfiability of antimonotone and monotone propositional formulas (including weighted antimonotone/monotone cnf-sat) in a natural way, and serve as the canonical problems in the definition of the parameterized complexity hierarchy. We characterize the parameterized complexity of wsat^-[t] and wsat^+[t] with respect to the genus of the circuit. For wsat$^-[t], which is W[t]-complete for odd t and W[t-1]-complete for even t, the characterization is precise: We show that wsat^-[t] is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) if the genus of the circuit is n^{o(1)}, where n is the number of the variables in the circuit, and that it has the same W-hardness as the general wsat^-[t] problem (i.e., with no restriction on the genus) if the genus is n^{Omega(1)}. For wsat^+[2] (i.e., weighted monotone cnf-sat), which is W[2]-complete, the characterization is also precise: We show that wsat^+[2]} is FPT if the genus is n^o(1) and W[2]-complete if the genus is n^{Omega(1)}. For wsat^+[t] where t > 2, which is W[t]-complete for even t and W[t-1]-complete for odd t, we show that it is FPT if the genus is O(sqrt{log{n}}), and that it has the same W-hardness as the general wsat^+[t]} problem if the genus is n^{Omega(1)}.