National Research Network Rigorous Systems Engineering – PhD and Postdoc Positions
Methods for systems engineering have steadily improved, but are being outrun by rapidly increasing system complexity. At the lower level, the trend towards multi-core processors is revolutionizing programming in the small. At the higher level, a migration towards cloud computing and Software as a service (SaaS) is revolutionizing programming in the large. Taking these developments together, it becomes evident that the available software development paradigms, from programming languages and patterns to software architectures and design processes are quickly becoming woefully inadequate at best, and entirely obsolete at worst.
The RiSE project is a National Research Network funded by the Austrian National Science Fund (FWF) on the topic of Rigorous Systems Engineering. RiSE is concerned with improving the quality of complex software systems. It aims to move beyond classical, a‑posteriori verification techniques such as model checking, to an integrated approach of system design and formal verification.
RiSE is looking for several postdocs and PhD students in formal methods, systems engineering and related fields such as programming languages and distributed systems, to work on topics such as:
- design and verification of concurrent and real-time software;
- reactive synthesis and game theory;
- logical decision procedures.
Detailed application information is available on the RiSE website.