4th Austrian Computer Science Day
The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms was proud to support the 4th Austrian Computer Science Day, which took place on October 15, 2015 in the famous Kuppelsaal of TU Wien.
The Austrian Computer Science Day (ACSD) is a yearly assembly which aims to bring together computer scientists across Austria. This year’s Computer Science Day was organized by Ivona Brandic, Ivan Viola and Georg Weissenbacher (all TU Wien) and attracted more than 120 participants. The OCG Incentive Award, for outstanding theses in computer science and business informatics, was presented at the event, and distinguished speakers talked about their work from a diverse range of subfields within Computer Science:
Aware Systems: Findings and Challenges
(Alois Ferscha, JKU Linz)
A Powerful Paradigm for Modeling and Analysis from Engineering to Biology
(Tom Henzinger, IST Austria)
Ontology based data access: the story so far
(Magdalena Ortiz, TU Wien)
Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming on Heterogeneous Distributed
Computing Platforms
Radu Prodan (Innsbruck)
Addressing the need and challenges of next generation business
processes on flexiblity, compliance, and collaboration
(Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Uni Wien)
Augmented Reality from Visual Computing
(Dieter Schmalstieg, TU Graz)
Resolving Conflicting Constraints: The Satisfiability Problem
(Emo Welzl, ETH Zuerich)