Leslie Lamport
Leslie Lamport will answer questions regarding his Heidelberg Laureate Forum lecture.
2nd edition: VCLA Student Awards

The highly successful second edition of the VCLA International Student Awards was concluded on April 16, 2016. Click here for more information and photos.
Tom van Dijk
Workers in forests: developments in parallel decision diagrams
Joseph Sifakis
Rigorous System Design in BIP
Helmut Veith 1971-2016

With the deepest sadness, we announce Helmut Veith’s passing on March 12, 2016.
O-Joung Kwon
Deletion problems regarding graphs of bounded rank-width
Monday, March 14, 2016 at 11:00
Cliff B. Jones
Reasoning about Interference (or Lack Thereof)
Evgenia Ternovska
An Algebra of Modular Systems
Johannes Hölzl
Markov chains and Markov decision processes in Isabelle/HOL
Vienna Science Ball 2016

Successful second cooperation with the Vienna Science Ball