LogicLounge with Toby Walsh: Living with Artificial Intelligence – How to stay Human
On September 20th, 2018, one of the leading researchers and an icon for regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), professor Toby Walsh (UNSW Sydney), has in one-hour long public debate shared the insights on how AI has been improving our lives, and why the society needs to be economically, culturally, politically, and legally prepared for the AI of tomorrow. This event is part of the LogicLounge series of public discussions, organized by Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms at TU Wien. The discussion with Toby Walsh was moderated by Franz Zeller (ORF).
Toby Walsh has been called a “rock star of AI”, due to his regular appearances in the international media, and is an advocate for regulation in AI to ensure that automated decision making by machines is actually improving, not hurting our lives. Professor Walsh is not only known as the initiator of the worldwide movement for the UN-ban of autonomous lethal weapons (“Killer Robots”), but is also the author of numerous books presenting the general public the myths, chances, and risks in the field of artificial intelligence techniques and technology.

The LogicLounge discussion series features world-renowned experts in debate with the general public, Admission free! *VCLA
Book giveaway
Among the registered participants, who also attended the LogicLounge, Toby Walsh and Körber publishing house have given away a couple of signed copies of Toby Walsh´s book “It´s Alive: Wie künstliche Intelligenz unser Leben verändern wird”. The book, which was published in 2017, has been translated into German language and is on sale in Austria, from September 24th onwards.
Photo Gallery
Full photo gallery on Flickr here.
Photo credit: Nadja Meister
Video of the LogicLounge with Toby Walsh – Coming Soon
The LogicLounge with Toby Wash was recorded. The video will be made available on Videolectures.org video depository and on VCLA YouTube channel.
September 24, 2018
Radio interview for Ö1 DigitalLeben (English and German)
Achtung, Sie sprechen mit einem Bot!
(Attention, you are talking to a bot!)
September 23, 2018
Interview for Der Standard (German)
KI-Pionier: “Maschinen könnten uns in allen Fähigkeiten übertreffen”
(AI-Pioneer: “Machines´ capabilities could surpass Humans”)
September 22, 2018
Newspaper Interview for Der Standard (German)
„Künstliche Intelligenz könnte eine zweite Renaissance bringen“
(Artificial Intelligence could be the motor of the second renaissance)
September 21, 2018
APA.Science (German)
KI-Experte Toby Walsh: “Terminator ist noch 100 Jahre entfernt”
(AI-Expert Toby Walsh: No Terminator for at least the next 100 years)
DerStandard.at (German)
KI-Experte Toby Walsh: “Terminator ist noch 100 Jahre entfernt“
(AI-Expert Toby Walsh: No Terminator for at least the next 100 years)
The LogicLounge as a modern philosophical symposium
Between the LogicLounges in Oxford (July 2018) and New York (July 2019), Prof. Thomas Eiter and Prof. Stefan Szeider have brought Prof. Toby Walsh to the LogicLounge in Vienna.
Crowd Notice & No Photo/Video zone
The VCLA activities are funded through public means. Video footage and/or photos will be taken during VCLA activities, which may or may not include your recognizable image. VCLA has provided a No Photo/Video zone for the ones who do not wish to have their recognizable photo taken.
Photo Credit *
Nadja Meister