Arnaud Durand

Introduction to dependence logic and team semantics

Institute of Logic and Computation hosted a talk by Arnaud Durand

DATE:Friday, June 7, 2019
TIME:15:00 c.t.
VENUE:Seminar Room Gödel, Favoritenstrasse 9-11, Ground Floor, (HB EG 10)


Dependence Logic, introduced by Jouko Väänänen in 2007, is a formalism incorporating the concept of dependence into first-order logic. A central notion behind this formalism is Team Semantics that differs from the usual semantics due to Tarski in the sense it evaluates the truth of first order formulas on set of assignment at once.  The expressive power of dependence logic coincides with that of existential second-order logic, and the complexity class NP over finite structures. In the past few years, dependence logic has grown into a new framework in which one can formalize and deal with various notions of dependence and  independence, that arose in many fields of mathematics, computer science (in particular databases), statistics, social science etc. In this talk, we will survey the basics of team semantics, dependence-like logics and results on the computational aspects of these formalism.


Reinhard Pichler

Arnaud Durand, Université Paris-Diderot

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