Workshop series: Diary of a computer scientist

Bringing role models to schools across Austria
Vienna Ball of Sciences 2020 (6. Wiener Ball der Wissenschaften)

Since 2015, the Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms is a proud partner of the Vienna Ball of Sciences.
PostDoc Position in Knowledge-based Systems and Artificial Intelligence
A PostDoc position is available at the Database and Artificial Intelligence Group at TU Wien, Austria. We invite highly motivated applicants interested both in the theory and practice of
Description Logics
Answer Set Programming
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Reasoning about Actions and Change
Database Theory
In particular, we are seeking to strengthen our research teams in two foundational research projects “Ontology-mediated […]
PhD Position in Artificial Intelligence
A PhD position is available at the Database and Artificial Intelligence Group at TU Wien, Austria (under the supervision of Dr. Mantas Šimkus). We invite highly motivated applicants interested both in the theory and practice of
Description Logics
Answer Set Programming
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Reasoning about Actions and Change
Database Theory
In particular, we are seeking to strengthen our research […]
PhD position in Structural and Algorithmic Aspects of Preference-based Problems in Social Choice
We invite applications for a PhD position (3 years with the possibility of extension), working with the Assistant Professor Jiehua Chen at the Vienna University of Technology (Technische Universität Wien – TU Wien), Vienna, Austria.
The PhD position is available for the WWTF research project (Vienna Science and Technology Fund) titled Structural and Algorithmic Aspects of […]
Fully Funded PhD Positions in the doctoral program on Logical Methods in Computer Science (LogiCS) in Austria

Deadline: June 12, 2020
Fully funded PhD in Networking and Communication Technology at the University of Vienna
The Communication Technologies group of the University of Vienna is looking for a motivated student interested in pursuing a PhD on developing the foundations of the next generation of reliable networks: networks which are highly automated, and verify and correct themselves autonomously, relying on formal methods. Communication networks have become a critical infrastructure of our […]
{CANCELED} Call for SIGLOG, VCLA and ILLC Travel Awards for WiL 2020

The Women in Logic Workshop 2020 (Wil) will due to COVID-19 take place virtually.
CALL FOR (self)NOMINATIONS: VCLA International Student Awards for Master and Bachelor Theses

Eligible degrees conferred between November 15th, 2018 and December 31st, 2019
Report: Helmut-Veith-Memorial Workshop 2020

Logicians amid the Austrian Alps