2021 Bill Mc Cune PhD Award for Jens Pagel
Jens Pagel from our research group Formal Methods in Systems Engineering and Alumnus of the LogiCS doctoral program has been announced as the recipient of the 2021 Bill McCune PhD Award in Automated Reasoning.
The Award is presented to Jens Pagel for his thesis on “Decision Procedures for Separation Logic: Beyond Symbolic Heaps”, supervised by Prof. Florian Zuleger and Prof. Georg Weissenbacher.
“The thesis was selected for its significant contributions to the theory and practice of formal verification and automated reasoning, notably for verification of heap-manipulating programs. The thesis introduced a new semantics for separation logic, with stronger separation requirements, that enable new decidability results. The thesis also identified new decidable fragments of standard separation logic that can express data constraints over trees and lists, and investigated new practical decision procedures for inductive data structures that improve complexity over the state-of-the-art. Some of these procedures have already been implemented and proved competitive.”
The Winner of the 2020 Award was also a LogiCS Alumni: Benjamin Kiesl was awarded for his dissertation on “Structural Reasoning Methods for Satisfiability Solving and Beyond”, supervised by Prof. Martina Seidl and Prof. Hans Tompits.
About the Bill McCune PhD Award
In 2019 CADE Inc. established the Bill McCune PhD Award in Automated Reasoning to distinguish each year a PhD thesis defended the previous year, for its substantive contributions to the field of Automated Reasoning, its theory, its implementation, and/or its application on important problems.
The award is named after the American computer scientist William Walker McCune.