Apply Now: 20 PhD Positions for LogiCS@TUWien!
DATE: | Thursday, December 30, 2021 |
The First Call for Applications for our new MSCA Cofund PhD School LogiCS@TUWien is now open!
We are hiring 20 PhD students that will work on interdisciplinary topics across Logic, AI, Verification, Algorithms, Security and CPS. |
Application Deadline 1st Call: Dec. 30, 2021.
LogiCS@TUWien provides a training that is designed to encourage interdisciplinarity between the involved fields by joint seminars, scientific workshops, and compulsory courses outside the PhD students’ research fields. Apart from that, students will be involved in grant applications and conference organization. Each student will be supervised by two experienced and internationally renowned professors from complementary research fields.
The training will also provide a career development program, advice and support for students with innovative business ideas, and workshops for presentation and soft skills.
Find more information on the programme and on supervisors of LogiCS@TUWien here.
Kick Off Event TU Wien Doctoral School
On October 1, 2021 we were celebrating the official launch of our MSCA COFUND doctoral programme LogiCS@TU Wien.
In the presence of Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ioanna Giouroudi (Head of TU Wien Doctoral School), Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Kurt Matyas, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation Prof. Johannes Fröhlich, and Mag. Martina Hartl, Deputy Head of the Department for International Research Cooperation and Science Diplomacy (Federal Ministry for Education, Science and
Research), our new MSCA Cofund PHD School LogiCS@TUWien was officially launched on October 1, 2021.
![]() LogiCS Chair Prof. Stefan Szeider |
![]() LogiCS Vice-Chair Assoc. Prof. Florian Zuleger |
![]() LogiCS Vice-Chair Assoc. Prof. Magdalena Ortiz |
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the
Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101034440.