Talk by Rajeev Gore: CEGAR-Tableaux – Improved Modal Satisfiability via Modal Clause-Learning and SAT

CEGAR-Tableaux: Improved Modal Satisfiability via Modal Clause-Learning and SAT

DATE:Thursday, August 29, 2024
VENUE:Favoritenstrasse 9-11, Seminar Room FAV 01 A (first floor)


We present CEGAR-Tableaux, a tableaux-like method for propositional modal logics utilising SAT-solvers, modal clause-learning and multiple optimisations from modal and description logic tableaux calculi. We use the standard Counter-example Guided Abstract Refinement (CEGAR) strategy for SAT-solvers to mimic a tableau-like search strategy that explores a rooted tree-model with the classical propositional logic part of each Kripke world evaluated using a SAT-solver. Unlike modal SAT-solvers and modal resolution methods, we do not explicitly represent the accessibility relation but track it implicitly via recursion.  By using "satisfiability under unit assumptions'', we can iterate rather than "backtrack'' over the satisfiable diamonds at the same modal level (context) of the tree model with one SAT-solver. By keeping modal contexts separate from one another, we add further refinements for reflexivity and transitivity which manipulate modal contexts once only. Our solver CEGARBox is, overall, the best for modal logics K, KT and S4 over the standard benchmarks, sometimes by orders of magnitude. (joint work with Cormac Kikkert)


Rajeev Gore obtained his PhD from the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge in 1992. Before that, he was at the University of Melbourne, completing a BSc (hons I) with a double major in Physics and Computer Science, and an MSc in design automation. His research interests include Electronic Voting and Vote-Counting, Proof Methods for Non-classical Logics, Term Rewriting, Interactive Theorem Proving, Automated Reasoning, and, of course, Logic.

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