Workshop: Concepts and Meaning

Concepts and Meaning -- Workshop in honour of Alexander Leitsch's 60th Birthday

DATE:Friday, May 4, 2012 – Saturday, May 5, 2012
VENUE:Seminar room Zemanek, Favoritenstraße 9-11 (ground floor), 1040 Vienna

Alexander Leitsch, Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, at TU Vienna, will turn 60 on May 20th, 2012. The workshop is held in honor of his many major contributions to logic, mathematics and computer science and their interactions.

The program will consist of

    Invited talks
    Contributed talks
    Birthday Banquet

Provisional Schedule

You can view the directions to the seminar room Zemanek here.

 09:30-10:15   Matthias Baaz         CERES and other gods in logic
 10:15-10:45   Coffee break
 10:45-11:30   Georg Gottlob         From Subsumption to Hypertree Decompositions
 11:30-12:00   Uwe Egly                  Sequent and resolution calculi for quantified Boolean formulas
 12:00-12:30   Daniel Weller           Skolemization and the length of proofs
 12:30-14:15   Lunch break
 14:15-15:00   Daniele Mundici     Consequence and Bouligand-Severi tangents in Lukasiewicz logic
 15:00-15:45   Dov Gabbay            The Equational Approach to CF2 Semantics
 15:45-16:15   Coffee break
 16:15-17:00   Andrei Voronkov
 17:00-17:30  Peter Auer                Combinatorial properties of intersection-closed classes related to learning

   09:30-10:15  Hans De Nivelle   Geometric Resolution with Equality, Function Symbols and Lemmas
   10:15- 10:45  Stefan Hetzl          Herbrand’s Theorem and Focusing in the Sequent Calculus
   10:45-11:30  Coffee break
   11:30-12:00  Tanel Tammet       Logic and probabilities for recommender systems
   12:00-12:30  Georg Moser         KBOs, Ordinals, Subrecursive Hierarchies and All That
   12:30-13:00   Giselle Reis          An extended framework for specifying and reasoning about proof systems

Social dinner

Friday May 4th, 18:30

Eischer’s Kronenstüberl
Neustift am Walde 87
1190 Wien
Tel.: 0043 1 440 29 38


Special issue

As part of his birthday celebration, and as a tribute to Professor Leitsch’s career, there will be a special Issue of Journal of Logic and Computation. The special issue is open for high-level research papers about Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science.  Submissions are not restricted to works presented at the workshop.  Please submit your article on the easychar-website at in the “regular papers”-category. The submission deadline has been extended to: April 30, 2013.

Scientific committee

Matthias Baaz, Agata Ciabattoni
Christian Fermueller
Gernot Salzer
Helmut Veith

Organizing committee

Matthias Baaz, Agata Ciabattoni
Christian Fermueller
Stefan Hetzl
Gernot Salzer
Helmut Veith
Daniel Weller

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