Fully funded PhDs: Logical Methods in Computer Science – LogiCS

Logic in Austria
PATAT 2018 – Automated timetabling and scheduling

This has been the 12th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2018) at TU Wien,
Talks at IJCAI-ECAI-18

Talks being given as part of IJCAI-ECAI-18 from the groups around VCLA
Report on the second SYSMICS workshop: Syntax meets Semantics – Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics
Agata Ciabattoni, Francesco A. Genco, Revantha Ramanayake (TU Wien) prepared the report on the second workshop within the project SYSMICS (Syntax meets Semantics – Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics) for the ACM SIGLOG News vol. 5, Issue 2.
The workshop “Substructural logics: semantics, proof theory, and applications” was held in Vienna at the Faculty […]
Jeremy Liang An Kong, Outstanding Master Thesis in Computer Science

Computer systems and automation are performing more and more important functions
Call for Nominations: SIGLOG/VCLA Travel Award for WiL 2018

Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Third Edition of the VCLA International Student Awards 2018

The highly successful third edition of the VCLA International Student Awards was concluded on June 11, 2018.
FLoC 2018 and VCLA LogicLounge: Ethics and Morality of Robotics

The Oxford Union debate on Ethics and Morality of Robotics, an event in the LogicLounge series
Helmut Veith Stipend Award Ceremony

The second recipient of the Helmut Veith Stipend for Female Master´s Students in Computer Science is Hanna Elif Lachnitt.
Video Competition: Algorithms in 60 Seconds

December 2018
The video competition is nominated for the eAward 2019.
December 2018
The 24 video finalists are being featured on Twitter in the segment we call “Algorithmen im Advent”. #algorithmen60
September 26, 2018
The 20 videos which came among the finalist of the competition have been presented at the 11. Informatiktag, at University of Vienna. More here.
June 20, 2018
The […]