National Research Network Rigorous Systems Engineering – PhD and Postdoc Positions
The RiSE Network is looking for several postdocs and PhD students in formal methods, systems engineering and related fields such as programming languages and distributed systems.
Formal Methods in Systems Enginnering Group: Ten PhD and PostDoc positions
The Formal Methods in Systems Engineering Group at Vienna University of Technology offers 10 PhD/PostDoc positions.
Vienna Logic Weeks 2012
A unique opportunity to experience a summer school, two conferences and two workshops from the field of logic in the course of two weeks.
Winter School on Verification, 6-10 February 2012, Vienna
The Austrian Society for Rigorous Systems Engineering (ARiSE, and the Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA, are organizing a joint winter school on verification at Vienna University of Technology from 6-10 February 2012. Apart from ARiSE/VCLA students, the school will be open to outside students.
Official Opening
The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA) celebrates its official opening:
Symposium »Logic and Algorithms: A Scientific Perspective«
Preceding the official opening of VCLA (Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms), five invited speakers – including Turing Award winner Edmund M. Clarke – will shared their view on the current state of research in logic and algorithms:
Award of the Honorary Doctorate to Edmund M. Clarke
Edmund M. Clarke is among the leading computer scientists of our times. As a professor at Harvard, and, since 1982, at Carnegie Mellon University, he and his group have not only laid the theoretical and logical foundations of model checking (ACM Turing Award, 2007), but also pioneered model checking as a powerful tool for industrial […]
Workshop on Non-classical logics
Non-classical logics are logics different from classical, boolean logic. They provide languages for reasoning e.g., about knowledge, time, data structures, vague information, resources, and as such they are increasingly applied in various disciplines.
This workshop will bring together distinguished experts from syntactic and algorithmic aspects of these logics and of their semantic structures, with the purpose of promoting a greater degree of communication between the fields of Proof Theory and Algebra. A special emphasis will be given to the family of many-valued logics.
WorKer 2011 – The Third Workshop on Kernelization
Research on theory and applications of kernelization is a vibrant and rapidly developing area in algorithm design and complexity. After successful workshops in Bergen 2009 and Leiden 2010, this third workshop aims at consolidating the results achieved in recent years and discussing future research directions.
A special aspect this year is to take a closer look at related work from different research areas, in particular from Practical Preprocessing, Property Testing, and Knowledge Compilation. Therefore we have invited leading researchers from these three areas to provide keynote talks.