Computer Science: A Problem Solver’s Paradise

Viktoriia Korchemna
Viktoriia Korchemna, a prae-doc researcher at the Institute of Logic and Computation of TU Wien and winner of the 2018 Helmut Veith Stipend, provides an insight into her life as a young computer scientist.
Studying Logic and Computation in Austria wasn’t Viktoriias plan, “it just happened”. When finishing her bachelor studies of theoretical […]
Vienna Science Festival

The Vienna Science Festival took place at Vienna city hall from September 9-11, 2022. At station 33 in the hall’s courtyard, a fun activity was waiting for visitors of all age groups.
The sorting network works in the following way: Every participant steps on one of the orange squares (the input nodes) and receives a card […]
VCLA celebrates its 10-year-anniversary!

The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA) was founded in September 2011 and officially opened in January 2012. During the international symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) in August 2022, the center seized the opportunity to celebrate its 10-year-anniversary with the audience of the conference as well as VCLA board members.
The celebration […]