Netidee Stipend 2021 for Pamina Georgiou

Pamina Georgiou, member of our research Group Formal Methods in Systems Engineering, received the Netidee Stipend 2021 for her PhD thesis on: “Automated Software Verification with First-Order Theorem Provers”.

Automating formal methods is an ongoing effort in software verification necessary to conclusively prove that critical software infrastructure is error-free. Applications such as IoT, cloud computing and […]

Shqiponja Ahmetaj receives FWF & Internet Foundation ”netidee SCIENCE 2021” funding

For her project “FRESH”, Shqiponja Ahmetaj, member of our research group Knowledge-Based Systems, received this year’s “netidee Science” funding, a cooperation between the Internet Foundation Austria and the FWF.

Aim of the funding programme “netidee” is the further development of the internet in Austria with open source projects.
From 114 applications, the jury chose 12 projects […]

Ada Lovelace Day

Celebrating Women in STEM: International Ada Lovelace Day on October 12, 2021.

The Awardees of the 2021 VCLA International Student Awards

We celebrate the research capacity of undergraduate students worldwide by introducing them to the broader community in Logic and Computer Science.

Sixth edition of the VCLA International Student Awards 2021

The highly successful sixth edition of the VCLA International Student Awards 2021 was concluded in July 2021. Out of the numerous submissions, one was selected for the Outstanding Master Thesis Award and one for the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award by a committee consisting of eighteen internationally recognized researchers. The winner’s degrees have been awarded between November […]

Three LogiCS Alumni receive prestigous Hertha Firnberg Fellowship

Three post-doc researchers from the Institute of Logic and Computation and all of them graduates of our LogiCS doctoral program

2021 Bill Mc Cune PhD Award for Jens Pagel

Jens Pagel from our research group Formal Methods in Systems Engineering and Alumnus of the LogiCS doctoral program has been announced as the recipient of the 2021 Bill McCune PhD Award  in Automated Reasoning.

A Lecture on Algorithms at the Austrian Parliament

As part of the TU Wien collaboration “Digitale Kompetenzen@Parlament”, several exclusive lectures by TU Wien Informatics top computer scientists will be held for Members of the Austrian Parliament.

Three “Sub auspiciis” promotions for Logic and Computation-Alumni

On June 14, 2021 three Alumni of the TU Wien Informatics Institute of Logic and Computation were awarded the Promotio Sub Auspiciis Praesidentis Rei Publica.

5th Helmut Veith Stipend recipient announced

It is our pleasure to announce Anna Baghumayn as the fifth recipient of the Helmut Veith Stipend