Logik und Informatik

Die Logik ist für die Informatik wie Kalkül für die Physik. Selbst das Bedürfnis, im modernen Leben klarer zu denken, kann mit logischem Training befriedigt werden. Das Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms bring den stärksten Werkzeug in Technik und Informatik zur GEWINN Info Day 2018  – größten Wirtschaftskongress für Schülerinnen und Schüler in Österreich.


VCLA […]

Artificial Intelligence: Between the second Renaissance and the Terminator

Prof. Toby Walsh at the LogicLounge discussion in Vienna

LogicLounge with Toby Walsh: Living with Artificial Intelligence – How to stay Human

On September 20th, 2018, one of the leading researchers and an icon for regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI),

Stefan Woltran elected EurAI-Fellow

European Association for Artificial Intelligence – EurAI recognition

Fully funded PhDs: Logical Methods in Computer Science – LogiCS

Logic in Austria

Prof. Matteo Maffei ERC-funded: Securing internet browsing with WPSE

The team gathered in the Security and Privacy Group around Prof. Matteo Maffei, and his research project ,,Browsec”

Talks at IJCAI-ECAI-18

Talks being given as part of IJCAI-ECAI-18 from the groups around VCLA

Report on the second SYSMICS workshop: Syntax meets Semantics – Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics

Agata Ciabattoni, Francesco A. Genco, Revantha Ramanayake (TU Wien) prepared the report on the second workshop within the project SYSMICS (Syntax meets Semantics – Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics) for the ACM SIGLOG News vol. 5, Issue 2.

The workshop “Substructural logics: semantics, proof theory, and applications” was held in Vienna at the Faculty […]

Fully Funded PhD Positions in LogiCS Doctoral College

NEW: Applications will be screened on the following date: September 1, 2018.

Jeremy Liang An Kong, Outstanding Master Thesis in Computer Science

Computer systems and automation are performing more and more important functions