4th Women in Logic Workshop (WiL) 2020 {re-arranged to virtual}
DATE: | Tuesday, June 30, 2020 |
VENUE: | VIRTUAL (Paris, Aubervilliers, France) |
Women in Logic 2020 was part of “Paris Nord Summer of LoVe 2020“, a joint event on LOgic and VErification originally hosted at the Université Paris 13, made of Petri Nets 2020, IJCAR 2020, FSCD 2020, and over 20 satellite events. Due to the covid19 outbreak, the main conferences of Paris Nord Summer of LoVe will happen as virtual conferences. The Women in Logic Workshop 2020 (Wil) has due to COVID-19 taken place virtually.
Among the 145 registered participants, the WiL 2020 featured talks by 45 people, next to the virtual poster session and 2 invited speakers.
Invited speakers
- Maribel Fernández (Kings College London)
Title: Nominal Syntax with Atom Substitutions
Abstract: Unification and matching algorithms are essential components of logic and functional programming languages and theorem provers. Nominal extensions have been developed to deal with syntax involving binding operators: Nominal syntax is a generalisation of first-order syntax that includes names, a notion of name binding and an elegant axiomatisation of alpha-equivalence, based on nominal set theory. However, it does not take into account non-capturing atom substitution, which is not a primitive notion in nominal syntax.
We consider an extension of nominal syntax with non-capturing atom substitutions and show that matching is decidable and finitary but unification is undecidable in general. The proof of undecidability of unification is obtained by reducing Hilbert’s tenth problem to unification of extended nominal terms.
We provide a general matching algorithm and characterise a class of problems for which matching is unitary, giving rise to expressive and efficient notions of rewriting.
This is joint work with Jesus Dominguez.
- Alexandra Silva (University College London)
Title: An algebraic framework to reason about concurrency
Abstract: Kleene algebra with tests (KAT) is an algebraic framework for reasoning about the control flow of sequential programs. Hoare, Struth, and collaborators proposed a concurrent extension of Kleene Algebra (CKA) as a first step towards developing algebraic reasoning for concurrent programs. Completing their research program and extending KAT to encompass concurrent behaviour has however proven to be more challenging than initially expected. The core problem appears because when generalising KAT to reason about concurrent programs, axioms native to KAT in conjunction with expected axioms for reasoning about concurrency lead to an unexpected equation about programs. In this talk, we will revise the literature on CKA(T) and explain the challenges and solutions in the development of an algebraic framework for concurrency.
The talk is based on a series of papers joint with Tobias Kappé, Paul Brunet, Bas Luttik, Jurriaan Rot, Jana Wagemaker, and Fabio Zanasi. Detailed references can be found on the CoNeCo project website: https://coneco-project.org/.
Call for contributions
- Are you a woman working in logic?
- Please join us at WiL, give a talk, and enjoy a virtual day with Women in Logic !
automata theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics, concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming, constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures, description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability, higher-order logic, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic, logic in artificial intelligence, logic programming, logical aspects of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational complexity, logical aspects of quantum computation, logical frameworks, logics of programs, modal and temporal logics, model checking, probabilistic systems, process calculi, programming language semantics, proof theory, real-time systems, reasoning about security and privacy, rewriting, type systems and type theory, and verification.
Important dates
Extended deadline for abstract submissions: May 10, 2020
Notification: June 2, 2020
Workshop: June 30, 2020
Please submit an abstract of 1-2 pages by May 10. 2020, via EasyChair.
The Women in Logic workshop (WiL) provides an opportunity to increase awareness of the valuable contributions made by women in the area of logic in computer science. Its main purpose is to promote the excellent research done by women, with the ultimate goal of increasing their visibility and representation in the community. Our aim is to:
- provide a platform for female researchers to share their work and achievements;
- increase the feelings of community and belonging, especially among junior faculty, post-docs and students through positive interactions with peers and more established faculty;
- establish new connections and collaborations;
- foster a welcoming culture of mutual support and growth within the logic research community.
We believe these aspects will benefit women working in logic and computer science, particularly early-career researchers.
SIGLOG, VCLA and ILLC Travel Awards for WiL 2020
Due to the virtual nature of the WiL 2020, the ACM SIGLOG/VCLA/ILLC Travel Awards will be administered in 2021
Thanks to the generous support of SIGLOG, the Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA) and the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation of the University of Amsterdam (ILLC), applications for awards are invited to facilitate students and postdocs, who are authors of accepted contributions to register and travel to the WiL 2020.
The awardees of the SIGLOG/VCLA/ILLC Travel Award will be reimbursed for a portion of their travel expenses, and registration costs. There will be at most one award per contribution.
Important dates
Nominations must arrive no later than May 22, 2020