DigitalDays 2020

DATE:Wednesday, September 30, 2020 – Thursday, October 1, 2020

It is our pleasure to announce the Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms’ support of the DigitalDays 2020, which will take place digitally between 30.9.2020 and 1.10.2020. The DigitalDays 2020 feature a vibrant virtual program open to anyone interested in the question of how digitization supports people in terms of business, education, ethics, medicine and security, but also on the resulting areas of conflict. Among the numerous contributions of our Faculty of Informatics of TU Wien to the programme of DigitalDays 2020, we feature selected programme points.

Digital Humanism – Technology for the People
Wednesday, 30.9.2020 at 15:45 – 17:15
In the Session “Digitale Werte und menschliche Würde“, the panellist will discuss the pathway of digitalization which is tailored to the human beings. Among the panellists is also our Prof. Hannes Werthner, founder of the TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center (TUW i²c) and co-initiator of the Vienna Manifesto for Digital Humanism.

Our firm commitment to the technology for the society resulted in cooperation between the DigitalDays 2020 and the Week for Good Artificial Intelligence, which is taking place virtually 12.-16. October 2020. The week offers free activities for the development of digital skills as well as for communicating issues within the field of artificial intelligence not only for pupils but for everyone interested in how artificial intelligence and digital skills can improve our lives.

Hedy Lamarr Prize
Thursday, 1.10.2020 at 17:00 – 19:00

Hedy Lamarr Prize of the City of Vienna is awarded to women in Austria for their outstanding achievements in the field of information technology. The three out of five finalists of the Hedy Lamarr Prize are our Faculty members:

  • Jiehua Chen, TU Wien  (Forschungsfokus: Computer gesteuerte Entscheidungsprozesse),
  • Laura Nenz, TU Wien  (Forschungsfokus: Neue Methoden statistischer Lernverfahren),
  • Katta Spiel, TU Wien (Forschungsfokus: Normative Grenzen von/ für Technologiedesign),
  • Andrea Salfinger, JKU Linz (Forschungsfokus: Situationsmanagement künstlicher Intelligenz)
  • Vesna Krnjic, TU Graz (Forschungsfokus: Interaktion zw. Computer u. Jugendlichen)
  • Johanna Pirker, TU Graz (Forschungsfokus: Spieltheoretische interaktive Lernsysteme)
  • Johanna Ullrich, SBA Research Wien (Forschungsfokus: Sicherheitslücken Internet Protocol)
  • Sabrina Kirrane, WU Wien (Forschungsfokus: Richtlinien für das Next Generation Internet)

Hedy Lamarr Prize is awarded annually by the City of Vienna together with DigitalCity.Wien and Urban Innovation Vienna and is endowed with 10,000 Euros, donated by Urban Innovation Vienna. The award winners serve as role models for the next generation and motivate young women to take up a profession in the IT industry. Previous award winners are Verena Fuchsberger-Staufer (2018, University of Salzburg) and Martina Lindorfer (2019, TU Wien).

The last year’s Hedy Lamarr Prize was received by our Ass. Prof. Martina Lindorfer who has been working on various projects of our Faculty which empower the students as well as the pupils to look beyond the gendered borders of disciplines. Her latest endeavour resulted in the pilot activity SpeedMentoring. The field of computer science creates new professions faster than we can sometimes understand. A virtual “SpeedMentoring” with female role models from research, administration and business is designed to break down stereotypes about women in ICT and serve as career counselling for both female and male students.

eBazar – Smart Schools in Smart City
30.9.2020 at 15:00 – 17:15
Smart Schools in a Smart City is the theme of the eBazar 2020, run by the cooperation partners of our Week 4GoodAI. Be it through the Corona Pandemic and corresponding learning settings of distance learning and hybrid (blended learning) forms of instruction. Be it through climate change and the global goals for more sustainability (sustainable development goals). The eBazar light will highlight both challenges facing smart schools in a smart city and offer up-to-date information and suggestions from schools and experts in online meetings.

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