Islam Hamada
University Assistant, MSc Institute of Logic and Computation Formal Methods in Systems Engineering TU Wien Room: HA0305 |
Research Interests
Formal Methods, Model Checking
Current Position
I am a PhD student in the Doctoral College Logics for Computer Science at TU Wien (LogiCS@TUWien) that is co-funded by the EC H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND, within the Formal Methods in Systems Engineering group under the supervision of Prof. Georg Weissenbacher.
MA in Computational Logic, TU Dresden, 2022
BA in Computer Science and Engineering, German University in Cairo, 2019
For an up-to-date list of publications, please visit TU Wien Informatics | Islam Hamada.
On disjunctions and the weak completion semantics
I Hamada, S Hölldobler
Proceedings of the Virtual MathPsych/ICCM. via mathpsych. org/presentation/571
On Contextual Programs Under Three-Valued Łukasiewicz Logic
I Hamada
Proceedings http://ceur-ws. org ISSN 1613, 0073
Humans Reason Skeptically
M Bhadra, I Hamada, S Hölldobler, L Moniz
in: Magnani, L. (eds) Handbook of Abductive Cognition pp 1–36. Springer, Cham.