PhD Research Training
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Fellows carry out research projects with their individual thesis committee in the participating research groups, and are integrated in their internal and international networks and collaborations, as well as in the scientific environment of LogiCS@TUWien and of the university.
To complete the programme successfully, Fellows earn in total 180 ETCS (credits), 18 of which are covered by Courses and 162 are covered by the Completion of their PhD thesis, which includes the successful completion of a proficiency evaluation and progress reviews.
There are two types of courses in the study programme: Compulsory Courses with 9 ECTS and Elective Courses also with 9 ECTS.

Figure 1: Structure of the LogiCS@TUWien curriculum and completion requirements
Compulsory Courses
Introduction to Logical Methods (3 ECTS) In this one-semester course, the supervisors of LogiCS@TUWien will give an introductory overview of the research areas of the doctoral program with the aim to inspire interdisciplinary research and inform students about the research areas pursued within LogiCS@TUWien. |
Research Seminar (3 ECTS) Throughout their studies, students have to participate in the Research Seminar held each term (1 ECTS per year, over 3 years). The students are actively participating in the seminar by presenting and discussing primarily their current work, which included dry runs for conference presentations, but also advanced research papers and books, in particular in the early phases of the dissertation. |
Research and Career Planning for Doctoral Students (3 ECTS) This established and very popular course at TU Wien provides an introduction into the research community of computer science by equipping the students with skills and methodological knowledge that provide the basis of a successful career in academia. The course takes place with great success as an intensive course once per term. |
Elective Courses
Elective courses enable students and their supervisors to choose courses according to their scientific interests. The selection of courses is determined at the beginning of the student’s studies and is closely aligned with the student’s research project, providing the required in-depth knowledge of the respective field.
At the same time, the curriculum imposes several restrictions that warrant a sufficiently broad and interdisciplinary education. The courses cover the different research areas of the doctoral program and transferable skills.
Transferable Skills Courses
Transferable skill training will ensure a successful career and professional life of LogiCS@TUWien’s early-stage researchers.
LogiCS@TUWien students need to attend at least one course on transferable skills, by selecting such courses from the wide-variety of excellent courses offered by TU Wien (e.g., Effective Scientific Writing or Gender- and Diversity Competence).
In addition, LogiCS@TUWien will offer selected courses in accordance with the wishes of the students with regard to their career development and future career paths. Such courses may cover project management, training for job interviews, CV writing, open science skills, public engagement and communication skills.
The transferable skills include dedicated training on ethics. For the training in general ethics of science and technology, ethics issues of special disciplines (AI, data collection and processing, etc.), and research integrity, a training camp will be offered which will be mandatory for all students.
International, Peer-reviewed Publications
International, Peer-reviewed Publications containing substantial contributions by the LogiCS@TUWien student. The role of the student in each publication will be taken into account (the respective information is collected as part of the progress reports and is made available to the external and internal examiners). Typically, we expect at least three strong publications (at leading conferences or journals) in which the student has a major role.
International Placement
Each fellow is expected to spend at least six months at a university or research institution abroad. The “stay abroad” is a unique and distinguishing element of the LogiCS@TUWien program, which enables the doctoral candidates to gain international experience, establish new collaborations, and extend their network.
LogiCS@TUWien supervisors are already successfully implementing such “stays abroad”, by having their former/current doctoral students implemented spent time at internationally renowned universities such as Harvard, Berkeley, MIT, the University of Pennsylvania, ANU, Oxford, and Edinburgh, as well as research institutions such as INRIA in Nancy, France or NII in Tokyo, Japan.
Thanks to the already existing international networking of LogiCS@TUWien supervisors, LogiCS@TUWien students will also have the possibility to carry out research visits at international corporations and research labs. The research institutions where students spend their “stay abroad” will be chosen to complement the expertise of the student’s supervisors.
Additional Training
The LogiCS@TUWien program is a holistic apprenticeship, covering all aspects of research and the academic process.
Hence, students are offered the opportunity to get involved in teaching, scientific reviews, the organization of scientific events, and the acquisition of funding.
Teaching LogiCS@TUWien fellows may get involved in graduate courses as teaching assistants and support (under the close guidance of their supervisor) the supervision of undergraduate projects or theses that are closely related to their research project. |
Scientific Review LogiCS@TUWien fellows may perform reviews of scientific manuscripts (conference or journal submissions) under the close supervision of their supervisors, who will teach them to judge the novelty and quality of the submission and how to write professional reviews. |
Conferences and Scientific Events LogiCS@TUWien fellows may participate in the organization of conferences, workshops, and summer schools, allowing them to obtain organization skills and increasing their visibility in the research community. |
Acquisition of Academic Funding For educational purposes, our fellows may (to a moderate degree) participate in the preparation of project proposals; in addition, students can attend a course on Proposal Writing. |
Summer Schools LogiCS@TUWien will feature an annual summer school on the core topics of the program, co-funded by the VCLA. |
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
grant agreement No 101034440.